Growing my business as a Preferred Freelancer

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I started with a vision to connect with the world and make a difference in the field of business and finance. My aim was to represent my country, Pakistan, on a global scale - and Freelancer provided me with a platform to set a benchmark of quality, commitment and integrity on behalf of my people. 

My journey of becoming a Preferred Freelancer has had its share of challenges. A greater part of my success hinged on my capacity to show perseverance in the face of adversity.

It was my passion to be fearless and to walk down the road less traveled that aided my career.

Upon delivering quality work with the utmost professionalism, Freelancer accepted me to become a part of a more prestigious crowd, and in doing so, proved that I am among the best in my field! 

Ever since then, my business has been smooth sailing through the rough seas, and the profits are constantly moving upward. On my profile, I have 70% of high-value projects through the Preferred Freelancer Program (PFP), which requires lesser bidding efforts; hence I spend more time ensuring timely delivery and quality work.

My profile is more visible than before, and I profit from greater chances of catching the attention of high-value projects around the globe. 

The best feature of this program is that the platform endorses my ability in front of the whole community.

I have proven my worth by becoming a Preferred Freelancer, and now, the recruiters have taken up the task of promoting my potential.

It makes me feel secure, empowered and resourceful. The Freelancer team provides education to make the best use of my privileges. I have developed good relations with Recruiters who strive to guarantee access to quality leads and dynamic projects. 

With its PFP in place, the company has become the world’s largest freelancer marketplace with more than 50 million users worldwide and more than 20 million projects posted to date.

I feel delighted to be a part of this great community that gives unfettered access to freelancers across the world.

In retrospect, I would consider it among the most profitable decisions I’ve made in my career when I chose to exhibit my talents on this platform and become a Preferred Freelancer. I feel privileged to be ahead of the pack and make a difference in the world of freelancing.


Posted 15 September, 2021

Khurram Sattar

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My journey as a Preferred Freelancer